
Have a plan in place for how to handle cybersecurity incidents. This may involve reporting suspicious activities, changing compromised passwords, and seeking help from professionals when needed.

Level 1 – Basics

  • Create an offline list of all of your critical accounts, include phone numbers for customer service and reporting fraud
  • Create a basic cybersecurity incident plan that includes:
    • Disconnect compromised devices from the network and internet
    • Change passwords for affected accounts
    • Alert friends and family of hacked account
  • If the attack was financial, double check your credit through the three major credit bureaus

Level 2 – Advanced

  • Turn on multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all accounts that support it
  • If attack was financial, freeze credit with three major credit bureaus

Level 3 – Tin Foil Hat

  • Seek help from a trusted cybersecurity company or IT support